Course Description

The stereotype behind reconciliation is the erroneous idea of "forgive and forget." The Catholic Church teaches that authentic reconciliation is to remember and forgive, lest dangerous memories of past wrongs rise to the surface and scupper the reconciliation that occurs or has the potential to happen. What does it mean to remember and forgive will be the focus of this talk.

Hours of Instruction: 1

ICT Fellow

Ramon Luzarraga, PhD

Ramon Luzarraga is assistant professor and chair of the Department of Theology at Benedictine University at Mesa. He holds a masters of arts in religion from Yale Divinity School and a doctorate in systematic theology and ethics from Marquette University. He speaks and publishes in both of these fields.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lent - A Time to Remember and Forgive

    • Reflection Questions for Online Courses

    • Session 1 Video